تتم إدارة موقع نيجيرو عن طريق جامعة طوكيو للدراسات الأجنبية

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[Showa Women’s University] 2024 Online Japanese Language Program

Showa Women’s University (SWU) launched a new short-term concentrated ONLINE language program for those who want to enhance their Japanese proficiency before an actual study abroad in 2023. SWU will be offering the program again in 2024 with minor revisions on class hours and offering dates to meet the requests from international students. SWU is known for offering a communication-based Japanese language program for non-degree semester study abroad students with much experience in continuing semester program offerings online during the COVID-19 outbreak.

[جامعة TUFS] "دورة اللغة اليابانية على الإنترنت مع مواد حسب الطلب" دورة الأكاديمية المفتوحة للغة اليابانية على الإنترنت لخريف 2023

يمكن للطلاب التعلم في هذه الدورة على وتيرتهم الخاصة باستخدام مواد تعليمية حسب الطلب. حتى وإن كانت الدراسة الذاتية هي الجزء الرئيسي في هذه الدورة، ستوفر جامعة TUFS الدعم اللازم لضمان اكتساب الطالب لليابانية عن طريق إعطاء الوظائف وتوفير الملاحظات عليها وإعطاء درس مباشر على الإنترنت مرة في الشهر.

[مؤسسة اليابان] NIHONGO e な: بوابة لتعلم اليابانية

“NIHONGO e な” is a website introducing websites and smartphone apps that are useful for studying Japanese. It supports all learners of Japanese around the world who use the Internet to learn and enjoy the language. How to Start You can simply click on the link below.Website NIHONGO e な Quick Guide 1. App Search NIHONGO e な introduces you to the best application based on what you want to learn and your level of Japanese! ①Choose the category you want to learn.   ②You’ll find a brief description of each app. Click on the app you are interested in.   ③”Can-do” shows you what you can learn, and “How to” details how to use the app.   2. Site Search You will find lots of multifunctional websites that help you study Japanese thoroughly! ①Choose the category and your level.   ②You will find a list of websites with brief explanations.   3. “e! Kore” If you are wondering how to start your study,”e! Kore” will provide you with helpful ideas and useful tools based on your interest! ①Click “e! Kore”   ②Click keywords or articles you like.    ③You will find ideas and tools that help your study.   More […]
