مكتب اليابان العالمي التابع لجامعة طوكيو للدراسات الأجنبية. أسس هذا المكتب كمركز للغة والدراسات اليابانية في أغلب الجامعات الزميلة خارج اليابان.
جامعة طوكيو للدراسات الأجنبية "TUFS"
البلد والموقع:
Shanghai International Studies University in China
النشاطات والخدمات:
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) has established a joint educational program with Shanghai International Studies University that focuses on the learners of Japanese language studying at both universities.
The office that facilitates this joint education program is located at Shanghai International Studies University. Events that talk about Japan to the local audience as well as supplementary Japanese language classes are also held. Please refer to the monthly activity report on the website for more detail.