[Tokyo Metropolitan University] “KIRAKIRA” Onomatopoeia
Videos of Japanese Onomatopoeia Expression, with Multilingual Scripts and Explanation (Japanese and English)
Videos of Japanese Onomatopoeia Expression, with Multilingual Scripts and Explanation (Japanese and English)
Interactive Listening Quizes at the N1,N2 and N4 grade level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.MP3 sound files & Scripts.
For Intermediate Learners. Interviews to young engineer and dancer & Introduction to Ohta ward and Tama area. QuickTimeMovie with Scripts and Task sheets.
For SuperAdvanced Learners. Interviews with upcoming young people of culture & Tokyo area information.QuickTimeMovie with Scripts and Hints.
Self-Learning Material for Japanese “SOKUON”(Double Consonants)
Explanation of “Mora” and Accent Types of Tokyo Japanese. Multimedia-supported instruction in Japanese and English.
Onomatopoeia where young adults meet for a day.
Fundamental Expressions for Giving and Receiving. Multimedia-supported Instruction.
HyperIntroduction to Japanese KEIGO (Honorific and Humble Expression) through Multiedia-supported Insruction.