The Nijiiro website is operated by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

[The Japan Foundation] Minna no Kyozai

“Minna no Kyozai” is a website for Japanese-language teachers.

You can find materials, ideas, and useful information for your classes and create teaching materials for your specific needs.

The Japan Foundation


  • Materials, such as pictures, photos, videos, and reading comprehension, can be downloaded for free.
  • You can browse the materials without registering.
  • You can search for materials by type, topic, grammar and sentence patterns, and JF Standard Level, so it is easy for you to search for materials that suit your purpose.
  • They also provide grammar explanations and ideas for classroom activities for teachers.
  • In the “Forum” section, you can upload and share teaching materials as well as ideas used in actual lessons with users from all over the world. You can also exchange comments, questions, answers, and impressions with other users. You can use the “Forum” section only after logging in.
  • In “My Page”, you can use “Folders” in which you can save the materials and make notes. It is also possible to connect materials on the “Minna no Kyozai” website to can-dos on the “Minna no Can-do” website and work together with other users.
  • Please check out the video below for an overview.


How to start

Click the link below to access the website.



The Japan Foundation
Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa
Mailing Address : 5-6-36 Kita-urawa, Urawa-ku,
Saitama-shi, Saitama, 330-0074, Japan
Tel : 048-834-1180


Recommended Points by Nijiiro Editors

If you register, you will have access to more materials and communicate with other users from all over the world.
