The Nijiiro website is operated by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

[United Kingdom] TUFS Global Japan Office at SOAS, University of London


This is the Global Japan Office established by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies as a base for Japanese language and Japanese education at major overseas partner schools.

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS)

Location and Country

SOAS, University of London in United Kingdom

Activities and Services

TUFS has established an overseas office located at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, known as SOAS. TUFS London Office was established in SOAS in April 2007, and has since been promoting academic exchanges between SOAS and TUFS, supporting the Consortium for Asian and African Studies (CAAS) and also the Global Administrative Exchange Program.

Global Japan Office has been incorporated into this London Office with a specific function to support the Japanese language education and research, to promote academic exchanges, studying in Japan, and to run activities that introduce Japan to an overseas audience. Please refer to the monthly activity report on the website for more detail.

Office Info

SOAS University of London Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London, United Kingdom

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Office for International Affairs
Mailing Address: 3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi 183-8534 Japan
E-mail : intl-service[at]
