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[Myanmar] Trung tâm Thông tin du học Nhật Bản thuộc Đại học Okayama - Chi nhánh Yagon

This is the overseas office established by Okayama University to recruit international students from ASEAN as a part of Study in Japan Global Network Project in ASEAN.

Okayama University

Địa điểm và quốc gia

Yangon in Myanmar

Hoạt động và dịch vụ

Okayama University was appointed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to implement Coordinator for Study in Japan (Myanmar) in 2014, followed by Study in Japan Global Network Project in ASEAN in 2019, to promote study in Japan from ASEAN including Myanmar. Okayama University Japan Educational Information Center, Myanmar Yangon Office is located in the Japan Foundation, Yangon. Japanese and Myanmar coordinators have been assigned at the office, and its functions include providing information on study in Japan, networking, conducting Study in Japan fairs and seminars, matching students with Japanese educational institutions, and providing support for study in Japan.

Support for International Students:

  • Provide information on Japanese universities and educational institutions and scholarships
  • Offer individual consultation and advice on how to find a supervisor
  • Matching prospective students with higher education institutions in Japan
  • Dissemination of information on study in Japan via SNS such as Facebook
  • Planning and implementation of Study in Japan fairs and seminars for ASEAN
  • Distribution of Study in Japan brochures in local languages
  • Cooperation in conducting entrance examinations in Myanmar (Wi-Fi access at OJEIC, the use of facilities at the Japan Foundation, Yangon upon consultation)

Thông tin của văn phòng

Truy cập
The Japan Foundation, 1st Floor, Yangon, No.70, Nat Mauk Lane (1), Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Liên hệ

Okayama University
