Use of TMS in conference audio recording (for automatic AI transcription)

The TMS (Telepresence Mobile System) was utilized for voice recording during an on-campus meeting held on September 3, 2024.

The University aims to improve the efficiency of future meeting minutes preparation through automatic transcription using Al. The accuracy of transcription is highly dependent on audio quality, but conventional recordings have sound quality issues. To improve this, we used eight wireless tabletop microphones mounted on a TMS all-purpose experimental machine to enhance sound quality.

The University currently operates three TMS all-purpose units, one of which is an experimental unit that incorporates a variety of advanced technologies. The TMS used in this project is equipped with eight tabletop wireless microphones, enabling high-quality recording of meetings with a large number of participants. Each microphone receives audio and improves sound quality through echo cancellation and other processing. The TMS is also equipped with a camera automation system that works with a PTZ camera to automatically point the camera at the speaker by triggering the speaker to speak near the microphone.

Please use TMS to conduct "HyFlex" style classes and events that combine online and in-person sessions.