Tobita-kun Avatar (VTuber) Experience Corner

At the "Experience Corner" located at the entrance of our office (Room 202, Research and Lecture Building), you can now experience the 2D avatar (VTuber) of the University's official character "Tobita-kun".

Strengthening the university's ability to disseminate information through video is expected to become increasingly important as a means of disseminating information overseas and to high school and international students who are considering entering the university.

If you are interested in using the Tobita-kun avatar in your classroom video or instructional video, please contact the Global Development Project, Center for Internationalization (Contact: Mr. Nagayama) or our office (Contact: Mr. Kawasumi).

Example of video utilization:HP for Strengthening Global Expansion Capabilities (U.S., etc.) Program Explanatory Video

Tobita-kun Avatar "2D Version" and "3D Version

2D version:The mouth moves in conjunction with the voice, and can be manipulated (moved in position) with the mouse. There are a total of 14 different poses. You can try it out at the "Trial Corner.
3D version:Body and face tracking using a webcam, and moves in accordance with the movements of the human body. Currently, the operation is under adjustment.