Online School Exchange Connecting Children in Kenya and Japan

On December 1, 2023, an event was held at the Commons Lab of the Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, connecting elementary schools in Kenya and Japan online to present and ask questions to each other.

The Commons Lab did not have ICT equipment for such events, so a "TMS all-purpose" was brought onsite to support the event.

Exchange schools:Musashino Gakuen Elementary School(Fuchu City, Tokyo, Japan)Waldorf Woodlands School(Nairobi, Kenya)
Event Details: by NPO FENICS x TUFiSco)

The organizer, who had been worried before the event about whether the camera and microphone would work properly with the 27 children who would each have to say a short line, was able to go into the event with peace of mind.

The "TMS Project," launched as a Presidential Discretionary Fund project, aims to make TUFS more connected to the world by utilizing telecommunication technology. The TMS Universal will be brought in to transform all spaces at TUFS into a HyFlex (Face-to-Face & Online Simultaneous) space comparable to "205 Distance Learning Room. If you want to invite guest speakers from overseas to your classes or interact with other universities online, please contact us.