Classes available for both in-person and online participation

In a small class held on November 10, 2023, the TMS was brought into the lab so that students participating in person and online could communicate as if they were sharing the same space.

The TMS allows online students to remotely control a PTZ camera in the classroom and access necessary visual information as if they were in the room, such as viewing the instructor's slides on the display, zooming in on small print on the whiteboard for a larger view, or seeing other students participating face-to-face during a discussion. If there is a discussion, you can access the visual information you need as if you are right there.

The camera on the ※ TMS universal model has a 12x optical zoom and a 340° horizontal and 180° vertical range of motion, allowing the camera to point at virtually any space in the classroom.

If you would like to offer both in-person and online participation in your classes and seminars, please consider using TMS.