Hongo System User Guide

Hongo System (A-G)

Table of Contents
00:01 1. 本郷システムの概要
08:50 2. 設置場所
11:48 3. ルール
16:09 4. 本郷システム以外の機材
19:40 5. A. 電子黒板
34:41 6. B. PressIT
52:31 7. C. 会議用ビデオバー
1:06:22 8. D. サウンドシステム
1:34:22 9. E. PTZカメラ
1:50:03 10. F. 変換アダプター、G. 延長ケーブルなど
1:55:40 11. セッティングの具体例
2:11:09 12. 片付け方
2:21:20 13. トラブルが起きたら

attention (heed)
  • 本郷システムの使用方法のルール等は現在調整中です。
  • 以下を展開すると現段階での情報を閲覧できますが、ルールは今後変更する可能性があるため、ご注意ください。

In September 2024, Hongo System (A-G) was installed in the 3rd floor seminar room and 4th floor seminar room of Hongo Satellite.
Please follow the rules described on this page.

Please use the following form to report after completion of use.

Terms of Use

  • 本郷システム(A~G)は、学内者のみ利用が可能です。
  • 利用には、事前予約が必要です。
    • Please indicate your preference for use when making a reservation at Hongo Satellite.
      See also.Hongo Satellite
  • After use, be sure toPost-use checklist.Please report your findings at
attention (heed)
  • Please refrain from using the Hongo system (A-G) without prior reservation.
    • 事前予約なしでも使用できる機材がありますので、そちらをご利用ください。(黄色い管理シールの貼っていない機材)
    • A projector, folding screen, and wireless microphone set are available for use.

Support Conditions

  • 本郷システム(A~G)を使用する場合には、事前に、使用方法の説明動画を視聴してください。
  • 動画を視聴した上でも解決できないトラブルについては、府中キャンパスの教育情報化支援室の開室日時に限り、電話サポートを受けることが可能です。
    See also.Opening Date and Time(In principle, weekdays from 8:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
    Tel: 042-330-5417
attention (heed)
  • 事前に動画を視聴した上で、自力解決できない場合に、電話サポートをご利用ください。
  • Priority will be given to support services in the Research and Lecture Building. Please note that it may take some time to respond to your request.

Reservations for Pre-Lecture (Fuchu Campus)

  • The same system as the Hongo System (A-G) is installed in Small Meeting Room 1 of the Main Administration Building at the Fuchu Campus. Using this system, students can practice how to use the Hongo system.
  • 事前レクチャーの受講を希望する場合は、以下の日程から選んでご予約ください。予約締切は14日前の17:00です。14日前に予約が入らなかった時点で、小会議室1を他の利用者に譲りますので、予定締切は厳守でお願いいたします。



10月11日(金) 10:30~11:30
10月18日(金) 10:30~11:30
10月22日(火) 14:30~15:30
10月25日(金) 10:30~11:30
10月29日(火) 14:30~15:30


11月1日(金) 10:30~11:30
11月8日(金) 10:30~11:30
11月12日(火) 14:30~15:30
11月15日(金) 10:30~11:30
11月26日(火) 14:30~15:30
11月29日(金) 10:30~11:30


12月3日(火) 14:30~15:30
12月6日(金) 10:30~11:30
12月13日(金) 10:30~11:30
12月17日(火) 14:30~15:30
12月20日(金) 10:30~11:30
12月24日(火) 14:30~15:30


1月7日(火) 14:30~15:30
1月10日(金) 10:30~11:30
1月21日(火) 14:30~15:30
1月28日(火) 14:30~15:30
1月31日(金) 10:30~11:30


2月4日(火) 14:30~15:30
2月7日(金) 10:30~11:30
2月14日(金) 10:30~11:30
2月18日(火) 14:30~15:30

Instructions and Manuals

  • A-G equipment is available for use.
  • PCs are not provided. Please prepare separately.

A: Electronic blackboard

  • This is the same model as the electronic blackboard installed in the Research and Lecture Building on the Fuchu Campus.
  • Please refer to the following page for usage instructions.
    See also.electronic blackboard

B: PressIT

  • This is the same model as PressIT installed in the medium and large lecture rooms of the Research and Lecture Building on the Fuchu Campus.
  • Please refer to the following page for usage instructions.
    See also.PressIT

C: Conference video bar (AVer VB350)

  1. Connect the C cable (Video Bar) at the bottom of the electronic blackboard screen to the PC used for Zoom and other applications.
  2. Microphone, camera, both built in.
  3. Automatic voice tracking function is available. It can be used by turning on the voice tracking by remote control operation.

D: Sound system (Yamaha YVC-1000, others)

  1. Connect the D cable (Sound USB) at the bottom of the elevating desk with the sound system to the PC used for Zoom or other applications.
  2. Two types of microphones are available: omni-directional and wireless. Depending on the content of the class or event, the following applications are possible
    • For fast-paced, unspecified speech: omni-directional sound harvesting microphones
    • If you want to bring your voice online with the highest possible sound quality: handheld microphone
    • Both can be used at the same time, but on the online side, there may be a slight doubling of voices. The omni-directional microphone can be muted (voice OFF) with the mute button in the center of the handset, and the handheld microphone can be muted (voice OFF) with the switch in the hand, so the sound quality will improve slightly if the voice is turned OFF while not in use.
  3. An omni-directional sound harvesting microphone is also built into the C conference video bar. It does not matter which one you use.
  4. Speakers are also built into the conference video bar in C and the electronic blackboard in A. Choose whichever you prefer for your PC or Zoom's audio output destination. It does not matter which one you use, but it is common practice to have the microphone and speakers on the same equipment.

E: PTZ camera (AVer DL30)

  1. A PTZ camera is also built into the C: Conference video bar fixed above the electronic blackboard, but if you want the camera to move freely within the classroom, use the E: PTZ camera.
  2. Please use presets 1 to 9 on the remote control freely.
  3. When both C: Conference video bar (AVer VB350) and E: PTZ camera (AVer DL30) are connected to a PC, it is possible to switch between cameras on the Zoom. In this case, the shortcut key in Zoom, Alt + N, can be used to quickly switch between cameras without using the mouse. (However, this may be somewhat inconvenient for notebook PCs and other PCs with built-in cameras, since the built-in camera will also be included in the switching target.)

F: Conversion adapter

  1. We have prepared conversion adapters of commonly used types in advance. However, not all adapters can be used with all terminals due to compatibility issues with PCs, etc. Please prepare your own adapters as much as possible.
  2. Please be careful not to lose or take them home.

G: Extension cable

  • USB-A (3m): Can be used when the cable length is not long enough for connection to a PC.
  • USB-C (3m): When connecting a PC and A: Electronic Blackboard with this cable, both video and touch operation can be completed with a single cable. (When ※PC supports DisplayPort Alternate Mode)
  • HDMI (3m): HDMI cable can be extended when used with conversion adapter F2 (HDMI Extension).

Restoration (photo)

  • After using the Hongo system (A to G), please put away cables, child units, etc., referring to the pictures below.